Australian Aborigines are the indigenous people of Australia.

They have long been recognized as a race in classical anthropology and are one of the seven major races in the taxonomy proposed by Coon, Garn and Birdsell (1950). They have a distinctive blood group profile with ~73% group O (just under 50% in Europeans). The remaining 27% are A and there are virtually none from group B. Their distinctive racial identity was confirmed by the genetic analysis of Cavalli-Sforza, Menozzi, and Piazza (1994).

The Europeans who first encountered the Australian Aborigines considered them to be a backward people. Thomas H. Huxley (1825-1895) considered them the “missing link” between apes and humans and Chase and John von Sturmer (1973, p. 6) claimed that they represented “one of the highest echelons bottom of the ladder of intellectual development.

1. IQ of Australian Aborigines

2. Brain Size of Australian Aborigines and Europeans

1. IQ of Australian Aborigines

The median value is 62. This corresponds to the mental age of an 11 year old European.

Table 8.1. IQ of Australian Aborigines

Age N Test g Reas Verb Vis Reference
1 Adults 56 PM 66 66 66 Porteus, 1931
2 Adults 24 PM 59 66 59 Piddington & Piddington, 1932
3 Adults 268 Varions 58 Porteus, 1933a, 1933b
4 Adults 31 AA/PF 69 69 Fowler, 1940
5 Adults 87 PM 70 70 Porteus & Gregor, 1963
6 11 101 QT 58 Hart, 1965
7 Adults 103 PM 74 74 Porteus et al., 1967
8 5 24 PPVT 62 62 De Lacey, 1971a, 1971b
9 6-12 40 PPVT 64 64 De Lacey, 1971a, 1971b
10 Adults 60 CPM 53 53 Berry, 1971
11 3-4 22 PPVT 64 64 Nurcombe & Moffit, 1973
12 6-14 55 PPVT 52 52 Dasen et al., 1973
13 9 458 QT 58 McElwain & Kearney, 1973
14 13 42 SOT 62 Waldron & Gallimore, 1973
15 6-10 30 PPVT 59 59 De Lacey, 1976
16 25 22 CPM/KB 60 60 67 Binnie-Dawson, 1984
17 4 55 PPVT 61 61 Nurcombe et al., 1999

2. Brain size of Australian Aborigines and Europeans

Table 8.3. Brain size (cc) of Australian Aborigines and Europeans (sample sizes in parentheses)

Europeans Aborigines Difference Reference
1 1,426 1,229     (8) 197 Morton, 1849
2 1,217 (325) Morant, 1927
3 1,198     (109) Wagner, 1937
4 1,206      (29) Klekamp et al.,1987
5 1,369 1,225 144 Smith & Beals,1990
6 1,319 1,240 79 Jurgens et al.,1990
7 1,178     (73) Freedman et al.,1991

References for the whole page « Race differences in intelligence. An evolutionary Analysis », Chapter 8 pp. 68-77, Richard Lynn, Washington Summit Publisher, 1st edition 2006 and 2nd edition 2015.