2. IQ of Europeans outside Europe

3. IQ of Europeans University Students

4. Brain Size of Europeans

1. IQ of Europeans in Europe

The average IQ is 99 for Central, North and East Europe. An IQ of 99 is the best estimate of the intellectual genotype of Europeans because the other areas are hybridized. The average I.Q is a little lower in Portugal (95) because the country has experienced an hybridation with Africans. It is the only country in Europe to have brought African slaves from its colonies and to hybridize with. Today, the Portuguese genetic pool has 20% of African genes, which explains their smaller brain size and lower IQ. This average IQ lower than the rest of Europe is in line with Portuglal’s low GDP per capita, lowest in Western Europe.

The average IQ is also lower in the Balkans, 92.5 on average, as these areas have been hybridized by continuous gene flus across the Dardanelles Strait. The average cranial capacity in these regions is also lower than in the rest of Europe.

Table 3.1. IQs of indigenous Europeans

1 Albania 8/15 EDUC 84.2 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
2 Austria 14 67 SPM 98 Moyles &
Wolins, 1971
3 Austria Adults 187 CF 101 Buj, 1981
4 Austria 8/15 EDUC 99.8 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
5 Belgium 7/13 944 CPM 99 Goosens, 1952a
6 Belgium 10/16 920 CF 103 Goosens, 1952b
7 Belgium Adults 247 CF 99 Buj, 1981
8 Belgium 8/15 EDUC 101.6 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
9 Bosnia-Herz 12/16 605 SPM 94 Djapo & Lynn, 2010
10 Bosnia-Herz 8/15 EDUC 93.1 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
11 Britain Adults 1405 CF 100 Buj, 1981
12 Britain 6/15 3250 SPM 100 Raven et al., 1998
13 Britain 8/15 EDUC 99.8 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
14 Bulgaria 3/18 1153 Binet-S 94 Piryov, 1974
15 Bulgaria 3/18 1153 Binet-S 93 Piryov, 1974
16 Bulgaria Adults 215 CF 94 Buj, 1981
17 Bulgaria 11/17 1456 CF 91 Lynn et al., 1998
18 Bulgaria 8/15 EDUC 95 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
19 Croatia 13/16 299 SPM 90 Sorokin, 1954
20 Croatia Adults 525 CF 104 Buj, 1981
21 Croatia 7/14 999 SPM 99 Lugomer & Zarevski, 1985
22 Croatia 8/15 EDUC 96.1 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
23 Czech Rep. Adults 363 CF 98 Buj, 1981
24 Czech Rep. 5/11 832 CPM 96 Raven et al., 1995
25 Czech Rep. 11 64 SPM 100 Persaud, 1972
26 Czech Rep. 8/15 EDUC 100.5 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
27 Denmark 5/11 628 SPM 96 Vejleskov, 1968
28 Denmark Adults 122 CF 99 Buj, 1981
29 Denmark 8/15 EDUC 98.3 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
30 England 8/15 EDUC 100.2 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
31 Estonia 12/18 2689 SPM 100 Lynn et al., 2002
32 Estonia 7/11 1835 SPM 98 Lynn et al., 2003
33 Estonia 8/15 EDUC 102.0 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
34 Finland 7 755 CPM 98 Kyostio, 1972
35 Finland Adults 122 CF 99 Buj, 1981
36 Finland 8/15 EDUC 104.0 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
37 France 6/9 618 CPM 97 Bourdier, 1964
38 France 6/11 328 CMM 102 Dague et al., 1964
39 France Adults 1320 CF 94 Buj, 1981
40 France 6/12 670 SPM 102 Raven et al., 2000
41 France 6/16 1120 WISC-3 98 Georgas et al., 2003
42 France 9/10 785 CPM 97 Pry & Manderscheid, 1993
43 France 8/15 EDUC 99.3 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
44 Germany 7/11 454 SPM 90 Kurth, 1969
45 Germany 5/7 563 SPM 99 Winkelmann, 1972
46 Germany 11/15 2068 SPM 105 Raven, 1981
47 Germany 11/15 1000 SPM 99 Raven, 1981
48 Germany Adults 1320 CF 107 Buj, 1981
49 Germany 7 200 CPM 97 Guthke & Al-Zoubi, 1987
50 Germany 6/10 3607 CPM 101 Raven et al., 1995
51 Germany 5/10 980 CPM 97 Raven et al., 1995
52 Germany 14/25 880 SPM 96 Raven et al., 2000
53 Germany 6/16 990 WISC-3 99 Georgas et al., 2003
54 Germany 8/15 EDUC 99.3 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
55 Germany 7/10 205 SPM 100 Jaarsveld et al., 2012
56 Greece 6/11 290 DAM 95 Papavassiliou, 1953
57 Greece 5 30 DAM 93 Georgas &
Papadopoulou, 1968
58 Greece 9/14 400 WISC 88 Fatouros, 1972
59 Greece 6/12 227 DAM 97 Georgas & Georgas, 1972
60 Greece Adults 220 CF 95 Buj, 1981
61 Greece 6/17 731 MAT 89 Petrogiannis et al., 1999
62 Greece 6/16 990 WISC-3 92 Georgas et al., 2003
63 Greece 8/15 EDUC 92.0 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
64 Hungary Adults 260 CF 98 Buj, 1981
65 Hungary 8/15 EDUC 99.0 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
66 Hungary 18 7588 SPM+ 95 Dobrean et al., 2008
67 Hungary 15 EDUC 100.3 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
68 Iceland 6/16 550 SPM 101 Pind et al., 2003
69 Iceland 8/15 EDUC 98.7 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
70 Ireland 10/13 96 MHE 90 Macnamara, 1964
71 Ireland 6/13 3088 SPM 87 Gill & Byrt, 1973
72 Ireland Adults 75 CF 97 Buj, 1981
73 Ireland 6/12 1361 SPM 97 O’Connor et al., 1988
74 Ireland 9 191 SPM 87 Lynn &
Wilson, 1990
75 Ireland 9/12 2029 SPM 96 Jeffers &
Fitzgerald, 1991
76 Ireland 6/12 1361 SPM 93 Carr, 1993
77 Ireland 9/12 2029 SPM 91 Carr, 1993
78 Ireland 23/49 10000 SPM 95 Raven et al., 2000
79 Ireland 8/15 EDUC 100.1 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
80 Ireland 6 200 WPPSI 92 Lynn, 2015
81 Italy 11/16 2432 SPM 103 Tesi & Young, 1962
82 Italy 6/11 700 CPM 95 Galeazzi et al., 1979
83 Italy Adults 1380 CF 102 Buj, 1981
84 Italy 6/11 476 CPM 103 Prunetti et al., 1985
85 Italy 6/11 459 CPM 99 Prunetti et al., 1985
86 Italy 18 5370 CF 90 Pace & Sprini, 1998
87 Italy 6/11 1384 CPM 95 Belacchi et al., 2008
88 Italy 8/15 EDUC 96.4 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
89 Latvia 8/15 EDUC 97.4 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
90 Liechtenstein 8/15 EDUC 101.7 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
91 Lithuania 6/16 381 WISC-3 92 Georgas et al., 2003
92 Lithuania 8/12 1067 CPM 96 Gintilienë & Butkienë, 2005
93 Lithuania 8/15 EDUC 97.0 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
94 Luxembourg 8/15 EDUC 96.7 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
95 Macedonia 8/15 EDUC 91.8 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
96 Malta 5 134 CPM 97 Martinelli & Lynn, 2005
97 Malta 8/15 EDUC 94.7 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
98 Moldova 8/15 EDUC 93.8 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
99 Montenegro 15 EDUC 87.1 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
100 Netherlands Adults 333 CF 107 Buj, 1981
101 Netherlands 5/10 1920 CPM 99 Raven et al., 1995
102 Netherlands 6/12 4032 SPM 101 Raven et al., 1996
103 Netherlands 6/16 1100 WISC-3 99 Georgas et al., 2003
104 Netherlands 8/15 EDUC 102.0 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
105 N. Ireland 7/10 2000 MH 97 Wilson, 1973
106 Norway Adults 333 CF 100 Buj, 1981
107 Norway 8/15 EDUC 97.9 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
108 Poland Adults 15643 SPM 98 Wysocki & Cankardas, 1957
109 Poland Adults 835 CF 106 Buj, 1981
110 Poland 6/15 4006 SPM 92 Jaworowska & Szustrowa, 1991
111 Poland 15/79 660 SPM 92 Raven et al., 2000
112 Poland 5/10 756 CPM 102 Raven, 2008
113 Poland 18 395 SPM+ 90 Dobrean et al., 2008
114 Poland 8/15 EDUC 99.1 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
115 Portugal Adults 242 CF 101 Buj, 1981
116 Portugal 6/12 807 CPM 88 Simoes, 1989
117 Portugal 8/15 EDUC 95.8 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
118 Romania 6/10 300 CPM 94 Zahirnic et al., 1974
119 Romania 8/15 EDUC 90.7 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
120 Romania 7/18 1310 SPM+ 88 Dobrean et al., 2008
121 Romania 8/15 EDUC 92.0 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
122 Russia 14/15 432 SPM 97.0 Lynn, 2001
123 Russia 27/55 745 CF 96 Grigorenko & Sternberg, 2001
124 Russia 8/15 EDUC 97.8 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
125 Russia 2/10 293 Vocab 97.6 Grigoriev et al., 2012
126 Scotland Adults 90000 SPM 97 Vernon, 1947
127 Scotland Adults 9000 SPM 97 Vernon, 1947
128 Scotland 8/15 5000 NFER 98 Lynn, 1979
129 Scotland 8/15 EDUC 97.4 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
130 Serbia 15 76 SPM 89 Moyles &
Wolins, 1971
131 Serbia 3/18 447 Binet-S 96 Piryov, 1974
132 Serbia 30 608 SPM 88 Rushton & Čvorović, 2009
133 Serbia 4-11 2334 CPM 98 Fajgelj et al., 2010
134 Serbia 8/15 EDUC 92.1 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
135 Serbia 6 214 CPM 90 Bala et al. 2013
136 Slovakia 9/17 3070 SPM 97 Bazany, 1963
137 Slovakia 5/11 823 CPM 96 Raven et al., 1995
138 Slovakia 11/18 1291 SPM 100 Raven et al., 2000
139 Slovakia 2/7 252 SON-R 98 Dockal, 2009
140 Slovakia 8/15 EDUC 99.1 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
141 Slovenia 6/11 1730 CPM 103 Boben, 2003
142 Slovenia 6/16 1080 WISC-3 95 Georgas et al., 2003
143 Slovenia 8/15 1556 SPM 95 Boben, 2003
144 Slovenia 11/17 610 SPM+ 96 Boben, 2008
145 Slovenia 13/19 1363 APM 99 Boben, 2008
146 Slovenia 8/15 EDUC 101.2 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
147 Spain Adults 848 CF 98 Buj, 1981
148 Spain 6/9 854 CPM 97 Raven et al., 1995
149 Spain 11/18 3271 APM 102 Albalde Paz & Muñoz, 1993
150 Spain Adults 202 SPM 97 Diaz et al., 2010
151 Spain 16/69 1369 WAIS-3-P 94 Roivainen, 2010
152 Spain 8/15 EDUC 97.3 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
153 Sweden 6/14 1106 WISC-P 97 Skandinaviska, 1970
154 Sweden Adults 205 CF 104 Buj, 1981
155 Sweden 6/16 2231 WISC-3 99 Georgas et al., 2003
156 Sweden 8/15 EDUC 99.7 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
157 Switzerland Adults 163 CF 101 Buj, 1981
158 Switzerland 6/10 200 CPM 101 Raven et al., 1995
159 Switzerland 9/15 246 SPM 104 Spicher, 1993
160 Switzerland 8/15 EDUC 99.2 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
161 Ukraine 14/17 132 SPM 96 Prozorovskaya et al., 2010
162 Ukraine 8/15 EDUC 94.9 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011

2. IQ of Europeans outside Europe

The mean IQ is 99.

Table 3.2. IQs of Europeans outside Europe

1 Argentina 9/15 1680 SPM 93 Rimoldi, 1948
2 Argentina 5/11 690 SPM 99 Leibovich de Figueroa, 1992
3 Argentina 5/11 420 CPM 98 Raven et al., 1998
4 Argentina 10 4000 V-R 93 UNESCO, 1998
5 Argentina 14 1740 SPM 102 Raven, 2008
6 Argentina 13/30 1695 SPM 97 Flynn & Rossi-Casé, 2011
7 Argentina 8/15 EDUC 85.4 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
8 Australia 9/13 35000 Otis 97 McIntyre, 1938
9 Australia 18 6700 SPM 100 Craig, 1974
10 Australia 5/11 693 CPM 98 Reddington & Jackson, 1981
11 Australia 8/17 4000 SPM 100 Raven et al., 2000
12 Australia 6/11 618 CPM 93 Cotton et al., 2005
13 Australia 8/15 EDUC 101.2 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
14 Brazil 9/10 735 SPM 95 Fernandez, 2001
15 Canada 6/10 629 MAT 100 Tamaoka et al., 1993
16 Canada 7/12 313 SPM 97 Raven et al., 1996
17 Canada 6/16 2200 WISC-3 100 Prifitera et al., 1998
18 Canada 5/17 407 MAT 100 Naglieri & Bardos, 1988
19 Canada 8/15 EDUC 101.9 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
20 Chile 8/15 EDUC 89.5 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
21 Colombia 13/16 50 WISC-R 95 Ardila et al., 2000
22 Costa Rica 5/16 199 SPM 87 Rindermann et al., 2013
23 Mexico 7/10 155 SPM 98 Lynn et al., 2005
24 N. Zealand 9/15 26000 OTIS 99 Redmond & Davies, 1940
25 N. Zealand 9/17 3108 SPM 101 Reid &
Gilmore, 1989
26 N. Zealand 8/9 1692 WISC-R 102 Fergusson & Horwood, 1997
27 N. Zealand 8/15 EDUC 100.7 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
28 S. Africa 15 1056 SPM 94 Owen, 1992
29 USA 11 1000 SB 100 Scottish
Council, 1933
30 USA 11 1215 TM 99 Scottish
Council, 1949
31 USA 14/18 10000 DAT 101 Lynn et al., 1987b
32 USA 18/70 625 SPM 100 Raven et al., 1996
33 USA 4/14 2097 PPVT 103 Michael, 2003
34 USA 16/80 340 WAIS-3 96 Roivainen, 2010
35 USA 8/15 EDUC 98.8 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
36 Uruguay 12/25 1634 SPM 96 Risso, 1961
37 Uruguay 8/15 EDUC 90.4 Meisenberg & Lynn, 2011
38 Zimbabwe 7 265 SB 100 Weyl, 1967a & b

3. IQ of European University Students

Table 3.3. Intelligence of European university students

1 Australia 745 APM 106 Yates & Forbes, 1967
2 Britain APM 109 Raven et al., 1994
3 Canada West Ontario 211 MAB 119 Rushton, 1992b
4 Chile Cath Valp 177 105 Broer, 1996
5 Netherlands Tilberg 30 SPM 105 Sonke, 2000
6 New


381 APM 106 Yates & Forbes, 1967
7 Poland 2072 APM 103 Raven et al., 1994
8 Romania Cluj-Napoca 962 APM 100 Pitariu, 1986
9 Romania 1316 APM 101 Raven et al., 1994
10 S. Africa 40 APM 103 Poortinga, 1971
11 S. Africa 50 Blox 100 Poortinga & Foden,1975
12 S. Africa 197 Blox 100 Taylor &

Radford, 1986

13 S. Africa Wits 398 SPM 110 Rushton, 2008
14 USA Wyoming Stanford 106 Maity, 1926
15 USA Stanford Stanford 113 Maity, 1926
16 USA Berkeley 300 APM 108 Paul, 1985
17 USA Wisconsin 40 103 Osmon and
Jackson, 2002
18 USA 139 Wonderlic 107 Pesta & Poznanski, 2008

4. Brain Size of Europeans

It is about the same in North America and Northern, Central and Eastern Europe.
It is slightly lower in Portugal, Spain and the Balkans.

Table 3.4. Brain site (cc) and intelligence in Europeans and South Asians


N. Studies

Brain Size



North America





N. C. & E. Europe





Spain & Portugal





Southeast Europe





Near East









References for the whole page « Race differences in intelligence. An evolutionary Analysis », Chapter 3, Richard Lynn, Washington Summit Publisher, 1st edition 2006 and 2nd edition 2015.